Build a Culture of Allyship



In organizations today, billions of dollars are spent on DE&I efforts in attempts to reap the benefits of diversity, but a lack of inclusion persists. The impact of this deficit is on more than just the success of the organization; it can also shape the experience of the individuals who comprise it.

Allyship is the next step in behavior-based inclusion efforts. At NLI we’ve identified the habits that can both strengthen and create allies.

In this webinar we’ll unpack our newest learning solution, ​ALLY: The Neuroscience of Advocating for Others. The goal of ALLY is to create a more inclusive culture by actively supporting people in less advantaged positions. ALLY follows the science of behavior change, building one habit at a time over time, at any scale.

Join us as we discuss the science and business case that informed the design of ALLY, and how you can build a culture of allyship in your organization.

Presented by:

Dr. Michaela Simpson 

Dr. Jeanine Stewart

Gabriel Berezin