Do we have inclusion all wrong? (North America)

Inclusion is a high priority for many companies, but new research suggests initiatives to improve it tend to have the opposite effect.

Join Dr. Michaela Simpson (Researcher, NLI) and Garvey Chui (Consultant, NLI) as they review industry insights around the inclusion challenge. Participants will explore how exclusion debilitates productivity, how inclusion efforts can backfire, and where organizational missteps are common.

Garvey and Michaela will outline a more effective science-based approach to inclusion, aimed at improving workplace interactions and navigating around the pitfalls of cognitive bias. If you are a talent leader grappling with your own inclusion challenges, you won't want to miss this content-rich webinar.

Presented by:

Michaela Simpson, Ph.D.

NeuroLeadership Institute

Garvey Chui

NeuroLeadership Institute