Webinar | How to Create an Inclusive Culture (EMEA)

ybaw-unlock-inclusion-email-thumbWhen it comes to inclusion, it’s seldom obvious if someone feels like they don’t belong. And oftentimes, we don’t know when we’re the ones doing the excluding.

NLI wants to help leaders cultivate more inclusive behaviors team-wide, to gain peace of mind that employees feel like they can meaningfully contribute.

The latest tool for organisations is “NLI Perspectives: Cultures of Inclusion,” a compendium of the most current and common inclusion challenges facing organisations, which include:

-How to effectively mitigate bias at scale
-Focusing too much on difference
-The dangers of over-inclusion
-How to foster cooperative behaviour

Join Marcia Smythe (Master Facilitator, NLI) as she shares the relevant perspectives, practical advice, and foundational research.

Free Webinar

August 21st
11:00 am - 12:00 pm BST

Presented By


Marcia Smythe

Master Facilitator and Executive Coach

Marcia has over 30 years board level experience within blue chip financial services,management consultancy, talent recruitment and hospitality organizations.

She specializes in facilitation to support individuals, teams and organizations through times of change, and is passionate about aligning neuroscience and people development to organizational business strategies, purpose and values.

With over 15 years and 3500 hours of coaching, Marcia is an experienced Executive Coach committed to leadership development and talent growth. Marcia has completed a Post Graduate Diploma in the Neuroscience of Leadership and holds a Degree in Business Administration.

In addition, Marcia is a regular keynote speaker and contributor at business seminars and conferences throughout EMEA. She interacts with audiences and delivers the latest neuroscience research in a dynamic, original and enthusiastic way.
